We have a worldwide network of certified wholesalers and retailers who sell our products in each country. We do not sell our products directly to the end-users. To find your local wholesaler, please send us a message via our contact page or at sales@iwansimonis.com

We do not sell our products directly to the end-users. We have a worldwide network of certified wholesalers and retailers who sell our products in each country. To find your local wholesaler, please send us a message via our contact page or at sales@iwansimonis.com

We have a worldwide network of certified wholesalers and retailers who sell our products in each country. If you are interested in selling our products in your country, please send us a message via our contact page or at sales@iwansimonis.com

Please refer to our Pool Cloth section

Every roll of original IWAN SIMONIS cloth has 3 different markings which guarantee the authenticity of the product:
Next to the selvedge/side of the cloth there is alternatively every approx. 60 cm :

1. the IWAN SIMONIS well known signature logo

2. the IWAN SIMONIS name in block letters with the product name.

3. There is also printed in the middle of the width of every meter of cloth a mark showing IWAN SIMONIS name in block letters followed by the serial number of the roll (ID number) : this indelibly U.V. marking is only visible in black light (U.V.light).

If you have any doubt on the origine of the cloth that you have, please contact us on the following address : info@iwansimonis.com

Please refer to Our Products section

The smoothest and most regular side is the playing surface (the right side), which is perfectly flat and gives the best ball roll and the best ball control. You can also recognise the right side of the cloth by the Iwan Simonis logo and the cloth number printed on the sides.

Besides very few brand ambassadors we sponsor directly, our Group sponsoring policy is to support national and international sports organizations. These entities can then provide financial and material support to the local federations, associations and players they select to develop the practice and visibility of billiard at the broadest level. We therefore recommend you contact them directly regarding sponsoring requests.